exakat 0.11.3 review

Exakat 0.11.3 review Exakat 0.11.3 is out. This version focuses on speed gains, stability and adds 4 new analysis. As for news, there is now support for the sphinx and grpc extensions. Exakat also reports ‘randomly sorted arrays’, multiple catch on try and the alternative tags consistence. More insights for your code. Randomly sorted arrays […]

5 invisible bugs starring at you

I’m sure you have experienced the ever-green art of steganography : a bug hiding in plain sight in your code. Yet, this is an invisible bug. The code compiles, IDE reports nothing wrong, unit tests are a failing everywhere, and you keep reading the sources without finding anything. And suddenly, it strikes you : YES, […]

Exakat 0.11.0 review

Exakat 0.11.0 (Immortal Ruyi) is out with great new version! This week, Exakat is on composer! A two lines installation is ready for faster usage. And Exakat accelerated the result extraction phase by removing prepared statements : less queries to the database is always faster. Exakat is also suggesting to use str_repeat() instead of loops, […]

Exakat review, version 0.10.9

Version 0.10.9 is here : time for the weekly exakat review . This week, we reduced the memory footprint in the gremlin server with a better check on the relations between elements in the code graph. This gives us less data to import, and less branches to analyze. That’s a gain in speed. We took time to […]

Exakat 0.10.7 : support for slim framework

Exakat 0.10.7 (Immortal Antelope Power) ships with a lot of behind the scene works, and little to show. This is now becoming a classic: we need to collect a lot of data from frameworks or PHP, store them by version, and generate… a boolean. All that work for so little. But, in the end, it […]

Exakat 0.10.5 review

Exakat 0.10.5 review Exakat 0.10.5 (code name : immortal of tiger power) shipped with no less than six new analyzers and a major upgrade of the Zend Framework report. Here is the exakat 0.10.5 review. Could be callable argument Exakat now reports arguments that may be type-hinted with callable. Callable covers every form of callbacks […]