Exakat 1.0.4 review Exakat 1.0.4 is out, in time to help migrate to PHP 7.2. November 30th, the next great version of PHP will be published. It is now time to review your PHP code. So, this week, we worked hard to finish the impressive line of update that PHP 7.2 is offering. In the […]
Exakat 0.12.15 review Exakat 0.12.15 is the second October release. Exakat has three new analysis: one target security with uploaded files, another unanchored regex, and the last is about variables that may hold different types. Also, every audit now sports a name, for easier differentiation: after a while, multiples audits may look the same. Now, […]
Exakat 0.12.3 review Exakat 0.12.3 is out like a hot summer diner. For this week’s menu, we are served with support for the new PHP 7.2 syntax in grouped use, 2 analysis hunting down default values and typehint mismatches, and a recommendation to start using the Null Object Pattern. Exakat now also delivers data in […]
Exakat 0.12.2 review Exakat 0.12.2 is just released, like every Monday. This week, Exakat comes with upgraded code, new backends experimentations, and new analyzers : mkdir()’s security, extension lapack, strict_types preferences, and mismatched ternary alternatives. A lot is happening in the gears of the engine, so it is time for the Exakat 0.12.2 review. Mkdir() […]
Exakat 0.12.1 review Exakat 0.12.1 has been published, right back from the excellent Dutch PHP Conference. The whole event covered 4 days, including Workshops, Sessions, Code Night, Uncon and DPCon social meetings. Exakat received enthusiastic feedback from ‘Reviewing unknown code with static analysis’ ! We also received suggestions from Marcus Bointon, Petra Drieskamper, Ivan Enderlin […]
exakat 0.11.4 review Exakat 0.11.4 is out, right during Code Europe : meet us in Wroclaw and Warsaw! This version features two new analyzers : ‘Only variable can be passed by reference’ is partially handled by PHP at lint time, and static analysis goes a lot further. Also, some functions may omit return when their […]
Exakat 0.11.3 review Exakat 0.11.3 is out. This version focuses on speed gains, stability and adds 4 new analysis. As for news, there is now support for the sphinx and grpc extensions. Exakat also reports ‘randomly sorted arrays’, multiple catch on try and the alternative tags consistence. More insights for your code. Randomly sorted arrays […]
Exakat 0.11.2 review Exakat 0.11.2 is out. It is a stability release: exakat was run on 800 projects during the week, to weed out some rare situations and keep all the analysis running on any kind of code. This is how we decided to add a new analysis: empty regex. Also this week, the ‘difference […]
I’m sure you have experienced the ever-green art of steganography : a bug hiding in plain sight in your code. Yet, this is an invisible bug. The code compiles, IDE reports nothing wrong, unit tests are a failing everywhere, and you keep reading the sources without finding anything. And suddenly, it strikes you : YES, […]
Exakat 0.11.0 (Immortal Ruyi) is out with great new version! This week, Exakat is on composer! A two lines installation is ready for faster usage. And Exakat accelerated the result extraction phase by removing prepared statements : less queries to the database is always faster. Exakat is also suggesting to use str_repeat() instead of loops, […]