Exakat 1.5.5 review

Exakat 1.5.5 Review Exakat 1.5.5 is the sinkterklas version : it brings a lot of speed, reports and analysis on its boat, from Spain. Seriously, Exakat 1.5.5 now reports your HTTP headers for unsafe configuration; it also suggests speed up tricks for fputcsv(), and it recommends using the file() functions, instead of fileget_contents(). Then, Exakat […]

Exakat 1.5.4 review

Exakat 1.5.4 Review Exakat 1.5.4 is an under-the-hood upgrade. On the visible side, we added a check for unreachable class constants, since class constant got their visibility option; refrain from self in interfaces, as they behave unexpectedly, and should have destructor, for long-running PHP applications. On the hidden side, many refactoring have been applied, and […]

Exakat 1.4.9 Review

Exakat 1.4.9 Review Exakat 1.4.9 follows the preparation of PHP 7.3 : we added a lot of new rules to get ready for the upcoming version. There was already 9 available checks, but more are coming in. The most interesting of it is that they close edge cases that will benefit other versions : avoid […]

The Land Where PHP Uses eval()

The Land Where PHP Uses eval() It is 2018, and the PHP world useseval() in more than 28% of every PHP code source. It is repeatedly reported as a security issue and a performance bottleneck, and a memory hazard. Yet, we can’t get rid of it. It seems reasonable to think that most of eval […]

Versions impact on PHP code bases

As PHP evolves With the upcoming PHP 7.3, the question of the next migration is back on our tables. We’ll hear a strange mix of begging to move to the new versions for features and security, mixed with a constant threatening that some old versions will soon be unmaintained or worse. Indeed, there is versions […]

Exakat 1.3.5 review

Exakat 1.3.5 review More stability and refinements for Exakat 1.3 series. Exakat closed several bugs and added refinements to analysis during last week. Undefined ::class are now reported, and useless assignations are now reported as issues. Array_key_fill() suggestions has been upgraded and preprocessing recommendations are extended to static concatenations. The Exakat 1.3.5 review packs quite […]

5 usages of static keyword in PHP

5 usages of static keyword in PHP Static is a PHP keyword with many usages. It is almost universally used, though there are many variations of it. Let’s review all the five of them : static method static property static closure static variable static as a classname Static method The most common usage of static […]

Exakat 1.3.1 review

Exakat 1.3.1 review Exakat 1.3.1 embarks on a new version of the underlying graph database : gremlin server 3.3.3. We’ve started using those new features, and that includes 4 new analysis and many false positive eliminations. Let’s cover the Exakat 1.3.1 review, like no one is watching. Always check JSON results Since null is a […]