Exakat 1.7.4 Review

Exakat 1.7.4 Review This week, Exakat 1.7.4 opened the bug hunt season. Many analysis bugs were tracked and removed from the code, leading to the cleanest version of Exakat yet. Identical files in a code repository are now omitted, but one, automatically. And it is possible to configure the target reports from the command line, […]

Exakat 1.7.3 review

Exakat 1.7.3 review This week, Exakat 1.7.3 version upgrades the reports, with the automated detection of identical files, and the grouping of global variables. We shall never know all the good that a simple Exakat 1.7.3 review can do. Report of Identical Files The Ambassador report added a new item on the menu : in […]