Exakat 1.9.8 Review

Exakat 1.9.8 Review This week, Exakat upgrades the presentation of the inventories. It refactored the method definition detection, and added new rule for hiding parameters and wrong case. Several modernisations were applied, in particular to the ‘Insufficient typehint’ rule. Coding is inherently risky, and it helps to readd the Exakat 1.9.7 review. Upgraded Inventories Code […]

Exakat 1.8.5 Review

Exakat 1.8.5 Review Exakat 1.8.4 and 5 are maintenance version, that focus on fixing edge cases and speeding up analysis. In particular, several analyses have taken advantage of the constant resolution system, to apply checks on literal and constants alike. We also included a new analysis that checks if literal could be replaced by an […]

Exakat 1.6.3 review

Exakat 1.6.3 Review This is the Exakat 1.6.3 review for the 2019 new year! New analyzers focus on the upcoming speed boost for array_key_exists(), and the sometimes missing capturing subpatterns from preg_match(). The Ambassador report now includes a ‘new issues’ section, which displays only the most recently found issues in the code, since the last […]