Exakat 2.1.8 review

Exakat 2.1.8 Review Exakat 2.1.8 shines with the last warmth of summer. It is now time to start the resolute road to PHP 8.0 and its surprise incompatibility; or update PHP code stubs with the upcoming attributes. During the trip, we’ll stop observing the new SARIF format, the standard for static analysis tool in PHP […]

Exakat 1.3.1 review

Exakat 1.3.1 review Exakat 1.3.1 embarks on a new version of the underlying graph database : gremlin server 3.3.3. We’ve started using those new features, and that includes 4 new analysis and many false positive eliminations. Let’s cover the Exakat 1.3.1 review, like no one is watching. Always check JSON results Since null is a […]