PHP 8.0 Significant Incompatibilities Forecast

PHP 8.0 incompatibilities forecast

Which are the PHP 8.0 Significant Incompatibilities to expect? PHP 8.0 is around the corner, with major applications starting their move to have compatible code by early December 2020. This is the case of WordPress, Laravel, or PHP-CS-Fixer. Exakat is all ready, both for running on PHP 8.0, and auditing PHP 8 code. What about […]

PHP 8.0 named parameters and variadic

Named arguments and variadic in PHP 8 PHP 8.0 introduces the named arguments. This is an extension of the current positional syntax. Named arguments removes some of the limitations. It also modernizes the way methods are called with an arbitrary number of arguments, with the spread operator. Let’s see what is happening with named arguments […]

Exakat 2.1.9 review

Exakat 2.1.9 Review Exakat 2.1.9 comes loaded with no fewer than 11 new analysis : half of them are for PHP 8.0, and the other half is for code quality. There is now a dedicated report for migration to PHP, with backward incompatibility, and also suggestions. Let’s dive in the Exakat 2.1.9 Review. Migration to […]

Exakat 2.1.8 review

Exakat 2.1.8 Review Exakat 2.1.8 shines with the last warmth of summer. It is now time to start the resolute road to PHP 8.0 and its surprise incompatibility; or update PHP code stubs with the upcoming attributes. During the trip, we’ll stop observing the new SARIF format, the standard for static analysis tool in PHP […]

Exakat 2.1.7 Review

Exakat 2.1.7 Review Exakat 2.1.7 is out, with a treasure trove of new features : Exakat for Github Actions is available; PHP 8.0’s new attributes are supported; the typehint suggestion report includes functions, closures and arrow functions, and even more suggestions; new rules to prevent Global Namespace pollution and detect methods that should be defined […]

Exakat 2.1.5 Review

Exakat 2.1.5 Review Exakat 2.1.5 is bringing a large chest of treasures : PHP 8.0 support, with named parameters, attributes, match and added a new inventory for too many chained object. The engine upgraded the storage of Typehint and Default values, which lead to several modernisation and coverage extensions, such as ‘typehint are for interface […]