Exakat 1.8.0 review

Exakat 1.8.0 Review Exakat 1.8.0 main new feature is the support for ‘in-code review’ : using .exakat.yml, you may run an audit from within the repository. This is particularly useful for CI. More PHP 7.4 support was added, with the upcoming change of precedence with addition and concatenation. For the current versions, Exakat is now […]

Exakat 1.7.7 Review

Exakat 1.7.7 Review Exakat 1.7.7 brings two new analyses : implode() with one argument, and a sneaky security vulnerability. It is the infamous check with integers. Show me the Exakat 1.7.7 review now!  Implode() with one argument Implode() is a PHP native function, which has been around since the last millennium. I am pretty certain […]