Exakat 1.5.6 review

Exakat 1.5.6 Review This week, on radio Exakat 1.5.6 : we added analysis to report the too verbose isset($a) && isset($a[1]), support for the SDL extension, and a check on useless trait’s method aliases. We also fixed a nest of nasty syntax, thanks to PHP own unit tests. Quick, Robin, to the Exakat 1.5.6 review. […]

Exakat 1.5.3 review

Exakat 1.5.3 Review Exakat 1.5.4 add more after-coding review for your code : after suggesting upgrading visibility on properties, it now checks class candidates for final and abstract keyword. As you can guess, a class won’t be a candidate for them at the same time. We also include more review of generators, including the PHP […]