Class Visibility Suggestions

Below, is a summary of all classes and their component's visiblity. Whenever a visibility is set and used at the right level, a green star is presented. Whenever it is set to a level, but could be updated to another, red and orange stars are mentioned. .

  Name Value None (public) Public Protected Private Constant
class Client
class Code
class HPack
 TABLE[[":authority"""], [":method""GET"], [":method""POST"], [":path""/"], [":path""/index.html"], [":scheme""http"], [":scheme""https"], [":status""200"], [":status""204"], [":status""206"], [":status""304"], [":status""400"], [":status""404"], [":status""500"], ["accept-charset"""], ["accept-encoding""gzip, deflate"], ["accept-language"""], ["accept-ranges"""], ["accept"""], ["access-control-allow-origin"""], ["age"""], ["allow"""], ["authorization"""], ["cache-control"""], ["content-disposition"""], ["content-encoding"""], ["content-language"""], ["content-length"""], ["content-location"""], ["content-range"""], ["content-type"""], ["cookie"""], ["date"""], ["etag"""], ["expect"""], ["expires"""], ["from"""], ["host"""], ["if-match"""], ["if-modified-since"""], ["if-none-match"""], ["if-range"""], ["if-unmodified-since"""], ["last-modified"""], ["link"""], ["location"""], ["max-forwards"""], ["proxy-authentication"""], ["proxy-authorization"""], ["range"""], ["referer"""], ["refresh"""], ["retry-after"""], ["server"""], ["set-cookie"""], ["strict-transport-security"""], ["transfer-encoding"""<    
class Handshake
class Http1Driver
class Http2Driver
class Logger
 LEVELS[self::DEBUG => 8self::INFO => 7self::NOTICE => 6self::WARNING => 5self::ERROR => 4self::CRITICAL => 3self::ALERT => 2self::EMERGENCY => 1,  ]
class Options
class Process
class Rfc6455Gateway
class Root
class Server
class WatcherProcess
class Console
class ConsoleLogger
class ParsedBody
class InternalRequest
class BodyParser
class DebugProcess
class VhostContainer
class Ticker
class Vhost
class IpcLogger
class CommandClient
class Router
class Host
class WorkerProcess
class StandardRequest
class FieldBody
class StandardResponse
class Message
class Rfc6455Client
class Rfc6455Endpoint
class NullBody