Compatibility PHP 8.0

: Nothing found for this analysis, proceed with caution; : some issues found, check this; : Can't test this, PHP version incompatible; : Can't test this, PHP configuration incompatible; .

Old Style Constructor
Wrong Optional Parameter
PHP 8.0 Removed Functions
PHP 8.0 Removed Constants
Concat And Addition
PHP 7.4 Removed Directives
Cast Unset Usage
$php_errormsg Usage
Mismatch Parameter Name
PHP 8.0 Removed Directives
Unsupported Types With Operators 9 warnings
Negative Start Index In Array
Nullable With Constant
PHP 8.0 Resources Turned Into Objects
PHP 80 Named Parameter Variadic
Final Private Methods
Array_Map() Passes By Value
Reserved Match Keyword
Avoid get_object_vars()
Enum Usage
Final Constant
Never Typehint Usage
PHP 8.1 Typehints
Mixed Keyword
Nested Attributes
New Initializers
Cant Overload Constants
String Int Comparison
PHP 8.1 Resources Turned Into Objects
Clone Constant