Class Option Recommendations

Below, is a list of classes that may be updated with final or abstract.
The red stars mention possible upgrade by using final or abstract keywords; The green stars mention a valid absence of the option (an extended class, that can't be final, ...); The absence of star report currently configured classes. .

Final Abstract Name Path
class GordalinaMixpanelBundle extends Bundle \gordalinamixpanelbundle
class MixpanelDataCollector extends DataCollector implements LateDataCollectorInterface \mixpaneldatacollector
class Flusher \flusher
class AuthenticationListener \authenticationlistener
class MixpanelEvent extends Event \mixpanelevent
class FinishRequestListener \finishrequestlistener
class Authentication \authentication
class MixpanelListener implements EventSubscriberInterface \mixpanellistener
class UserData \userdata
class ControllerListener \controllerlistener
class ManagerRegistry \managerregistry
class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface \configuration
class GordalinaMixpanelExtension extends Extension \gordalinamixpanelextension