Error messages

This is the list of error messages, as found in die() and exit() expressions.

'AutoloadGenerator::setIgnorePlatformRequirements is deprecated since Composer 2.2, use setPlatformRequirementFilter instead.'/src/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.php158
'PostFileDownloadEvent::getPackage is deprecated since Composer 2.1, use getContext instead.'/src/Composer/Plugin/PostFileDownloadEvent.php126
'VersionSelector::findBestCandidate with ignored platform reqs as bool|array is deprecated since Composer 2.2, use an instance of PlatformRequirementFilterInterface instead.'/src/Composer/Package/Version/VersionSelector.php82
'Package::' . $source . ' must be called with a map of lowercased package name => Link object, got a indexed array, this is deprecated and you should fix your usage.'/src/Composer/Package/Package.php703
'Composer\Util\MetadataMinifier is deprecated, use Composer\MetadataMinifier\MetadataMinifier from composer/metadata-minifier instead.'/src/Composer/Util/MetadataMinifier.php15
'Not passing a repository manager when calling defaultRepos is deprecated since Composer 2.3.6, use defaultReposWithDefaultManager() instead if you cannot get a manager.'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php83
'PostFileDownloadEvent::__construct should receive a $type=package and the package object in $context since Composer 2.1.'/src/Composer/Plugin/PostFileDownloadEvent.php66
'Calling PluginManager::addPlugin without $sourcePackage is deprecated, if you are using this please get in touch with us to explain the use case'/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php376
'config.bin-compat "symlink" is deprecated since Composer 2.2, use auto, full (for Windows compatibility) or proxy instead.'/src/Composer/Config.php392
'The $class arg is deprecated, please reach out to Composer maintainers ASAP if you still need this.'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php52
'$strictName must be set to true in ValidatingArrayLoader\'s constructor as of 2.2, and it will be removed in 3.0'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ValidatingArrayLoader.php56
'The $class arg is deprecated, please reach out to Composer maintainers ASAP if you still need this.'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/RootPackageLoader.php77
'The `' . $reserved . '` script name is reserved for internal use, please avoid defining it'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php259
'getRawData only returns the first dataset loaded, which may not be what you expect. Use getAllRawData() instead which returns all datasets for all autoloaders present in the process.'/src/Composer/InstalledVersions.php264
'Installer::setIgnorePlatformRequirements is deprecated since Composer 2.2, use setPlatformRequirementFilter instead.'/src/Composer/Installer.php1342
'Not passing a repository manager when calling createRepo is deprecated since Composer 2.3.6'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php69
'The "' . $job['url'] . '" file could not be downloaded (' . $errorMessage . ')' . $details/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php647
'Maximum allowed download size reached. Content-length header indicates ' . $progress['download_content_length'] . ' bytes. Allowed ' . $this->jobs[$i]['options']['max_file_size'] . ' bytes'/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php499
'Maximum allowed download size reached. Downloaded ' . $progress['size_download'] . ' of allowed ' . $this->jobs[$i]['options']['max_file_size'] . ' bytes'/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php504
'Network disabled, request canceled: ' . Url::sanitize($url)/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php329
'Failed loading package in ' . $file . ': ' . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Repository/ArtifactRepository.php138
'Repository type is not registered: ' . $type/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryManager.php127
'The artifact repository requires PHP\'s zip extension'/src/Composer/Repository/ArtifactRepository.php46
'Files with "' . $fileExtension . '" extensions aren\'t supported. Only ZIP and TAR/TAR.GZ/TGZ archives are supported.'/src/Composer/Repository/ArtifactRepository.php111
'The pool can not accept packages from an installed repository'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositorySet.php336
'createPoolForPackage(s) can not be used for platform packages, as they are never loaded by the PoolBuilder which expects them to be fixed. Use createPoolWithAllPackages or pass in a proper request with the platform packages you need fixed in it.'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositorySet.php382
"Pool has already been created from this repository set, it cannot be modified anymore."/src/Composer/Repository/RepositorySet.php164
'The pool can not accept packages from an installed repository'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositorySet.php320
'lazyProvidersRepoContains should not be called unless hasAvailablePackageList is true'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1776
'The PEAR repository has been removed from Composer 2.x'/src/Composer/Repository/PearRepository.php30
'$filename should not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1568
'$filename should not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1634
'The contents of ' . $filename . ' do not match its signature. This could indicate a man-in-the-middle attack or e.g. antivirus software corrupting files. Try running composer again and report this if you think it is a mistake.'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1503
"ComposerRepository: Undefined \$data. Please report at"/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1556
'Could not load packages ' . ($packages[0]['name'] ?? json_encode($packages)) . ' in ' . $this->getRepoName( ) . ($source ? ' from ' . $source : '') . ': [' . get_class($e) . '] ' . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1451
'$filename should not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1461
'loadRootServerFile should not return true during initialization'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1329
'Expected a string with a value and not an empty string'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1308
'Invalid security advisory configuration on ' . $this->getRepoName( ) . ': If the repository does not provide a security-advisories.api-url then available-packages or available-package-patterns are required to be provided for performance reason.'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1271
'You must enable the openssl extension in your php.ini to load information from ' . $this->url/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1181
'startCachedAsyncDownload only supports v2 protocol composer repos with a metadata-url'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1097
'loadAsyncPackages only supports v2 protocol composer repos with a metadata-url'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php1017
'hasPartialPackages failed to initialize $this->partialPackagesByName'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php761
'Advisory for ' . $name . ' could not be loaded as a full advisory from ' . $this->getRepoName( ) . PHP_EOL . var_export($data, true)/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php658
'whatProvides should never return a package with a different name than the requested one'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php506
'Make sure to call loadRootServerFile before loadPackageList'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php454
'Composer repositories that have providers can not load the complete list of packages, use getPackageNames instead.'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php351
'Composer repositories that have lazy providers and no available-packages list can not load the complete list of packages, use getPackageNames instead.'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php347
'hasPartialPackages failed to initialize $this->partialPackagesByName'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php341
'Invalid url given for Composer repository: ' . $repoConfig['url']/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php161
'The repository url must not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php152
'No valid composer.json was found in any branch or tag of ' . $this->url . ', could not load a package from it.'/src/Composer/Repository/VcsRepository.php420
'Repository "' . $index . '" (' . json_encode($repo) . ') must have a type defined'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php164
'Only subclasses of BasePackage are supported'/src/Composer/Repository/ArrayRepository.php218
'initialize failed to initialize the packages array'/src/Composer/Repository/ArrayRepository.php312
'No driver found to handle VCS repository ' . $this->url/src/Composer/Repository/VcsRepository.php192
"Invalid repository url ($repository) given. Has to be a .json file, an http url or a JSON object."/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php50
'This function requires either an IOInterface or a RepositoryManager'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php94
'"repositories" should be an array of repository definitions, only a single repository was given'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php158
'Repository "' . $index . '" (' . json_encode($repo) . ') should be an array, ' . gettype($repo) . ' given'/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php161
'config.platform.' . $name . ' cannot be set to false as you cannot disable php entirely.'/src/Composer/Repository/PlatformRepository.php84
'Invalid platform package name in config.platform: ' . $override['name']/src/Composer/Repository/PlatformRepository.php120
'Expected CompletePackage but got ' . get_class($package)/src/Composer/Repository/PlatformRepository.php576
"Invalid repository URL ($repository) given. This file does not contain a valid composer repository."/src/Composer/Repository/RepositoryFactory.php44
'These files were expected but not added to the phar, they might be excluded or gone from the source package:' . PHP_EOL . var_export($extraFiles, true)/src/Composer/Compiler.php162
'These files were unexpectedly added to the phar, make sure they are excluded or listed in $extraFiles:' . PHP_EOL . var_export($unexpectedFiles, true)/src/Composer/Compiler.php165
'A repository of type "package" contains an invalid package definition: ' . $e->getMessage( ) . "\n\nInvalid package definition:\n" . json_encode($package)/src/Composer/Repository/PackageRepository.php57
'config.platform.' . $name . ' should be a string or false, but got ' . gettype($version) . ' ' . var_export($version, true)/src/Composer/Repository/PlatformRepository.php81
'Can\'t run git log. You must ensure to run compile from composer git repository clone and that git binary is available.'/src/Composer/Compiler.php53
"Invalid value for updateAllowTransitiveDependencies supplied"/src/Composer/Installer.php1400
'Extra file listed is missing from the filesystem: ' . $file/src/Composer/Compiler.php142
'Can\'t run git log. You must ensure to run compile from composer git repository clone and that git binary is available.'/src/Composer/Compiler.php59
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'/src/Composer/InstalledVersions.php224
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'/src/Composer/InstalledVersions.php203
"The installer options updateMirrors and updateAllowList are mutually exclusive."/src/Composer/Installer.php248
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'/src/Composer/InstalledVersions.php241
"Your configuration does not allow connections to $url. See for details."/src/Composer/Config.php605
"Your configuration does not allow connections to $url. See for details."/src/Composer/Config.php602
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'/src/Composer/InstalledVersions.php182
'Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'/src/Composer/InstalledVersions.php161
"Invalid value for 'discard-changes': {$this->config[$key]}. Expected true, false or stash"/src/Composer/Config.php415
"Invalid value for COMPOSER_AUDIT_ABANDONED: {$abandonedEnv}. Expected " . Auditor::ABANDONED_IGNORE . ", " . Auditor::ABANDONED_REPORT . " or " . Auditor::ABANDONED_FAIL/src/Composer/Config.php445
'The http protocol for github is not available anymore, update your config\'s github-protocols to use "https", "git" or "ssh"'/src/Composer/Config.php427
'Could not authenticate against ' . $origin/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php176
'Could not authenticate against ' . $origin/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php186
'Could not authenticate against ' . $origin/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php149
"Invalid credentials for '" . $url . "', aborting."/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php154
'Archive has more than one top level directories, and no composer.json was found on the top level, so it\'s an invalid archive. Top level paths found were: ' . implode(',', array_keys($topLevelPaths))/src/Composer/Util/Zip.php81
'Archive has more than one top level directories, and no composer.json was found on the top level, so it\'s an invalid archive. Top level paths found were: ' . implode(',', array_keys($topLevelPaths))/src/Composer/Util/Zip.php90
"Invalid credentials (HTTP $statusCode) for '$url', aborting."/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php216
'The Zip Util requires PHP\'s zip extension'/src/Composer/Util/Zip.php26
'Could not parse netmask ' . $netmask/src/Composer/Util/NoProxyPattern.php292
'Could not parse range IP ' . $rangeIp/src/Composer/Util/NoProxyPattern.php295
'Could not parse netmask ' . $network->netmask/src/Composer/Util/NoProxyPattern.php149
'Could not parse target IP ' . $target->ip/src/Composer/Util/NoProxyPattern.php152
'Could not authenticate against ' . $origin/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php132
"Invalid credentials for '" . $url . "', aborting."/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php142
'Please answer (y)es or (n)o'/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php57
'Could not authenticate against ' . $origin/src/Composer/Util/AuthHelper.php100
'wrong credentials provided (' . $fullOutput . ')'/src/Composer/Util/Svn.php172
'The source URL ' . $url . ' is invalid, ssh URLs should have a port number after ":".' . "\n" . 'Use ssh:// or just if you do not want to provide a password or custom port.'/src/Composer/Util/Git.php59
'Failed to open repository ' . $this->repoFile . ' in ' . $this->checkoutDir . "\n\n" . $output/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/FossilDriver.php112
'Failed to clone ' . $this->url . ' to repository ' . $this->repoFile . "\n\n" . $output/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/FossilDriver.php106
'Could not parse network IP ' . $network->ip/src/Composer/Util/NoProxyPattern.php146
"No svn auth detected."/src/Composer/Util/Svn.php274
"No svn auth detected."/src/Composer/Util/Svn.php260
'can not ask for authentication in non interactive mode'/src/Composer/Util/Svn.php192
'The GitLab repository is disabled in the project'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php497
'gitlab-protocol must be one of git, http.'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php119
'It should not be possible to create a gitlab driver with an unparseable origin URL (' . $this->url . ')'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php112
sprintf('The GitLab repository URL %s is invalid. It must be the HTTP URL of a GitLab project.', $this->url)/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php97
'Can not clone ' . $this->url . ' to access package information. The "' . $this->checkoutDir . '" directory is not writable by the current user.'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/FossilDriver.php88
"fossil was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/FossilDriver.php75
'FossilDriver requires a usable cache directory, and it looks like you set it to be disabled'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/FossilDriver.php55
'GitLab API seems to not be authenticated as it did not return a default_branch'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php504
'A fallback driver should be setup if getRepoData returns false'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitBitbucketDriver.php485
$this->url . ' does not appear to be a git repository, use ' . $this->cloneHttpsUrl . ' but remember that Bitbucket no longer supports the mercurial repositories. ' . ''/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitBitbucketDriver.php493
'Failed to read package information from ' . $this->url . ' as the path does not exist'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitDriver.php46
'GitDriver requires a usable cache directory, and it looks like you set it to be disabled'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitDriver.php52
'Can not clone ' . $this->url . ' to access package information. The "' . dirname($this->repoDir) . '" directory is not writable by the current user.'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitDriver.php63
'The source URL ' . $this->url . ' is invalid, ssh URLs should have a port number after ":".' . "\n" . 'Use ssh:// or just if you do not want to provide a password or custom port.'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitDriver.php67
'Failed to clone ' . $this->url . ' to read package information from it'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitDriver.php73
'Invalid git identifier detected. Identifier must not start with a -, given: ' . $identifier/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitDriver.php150
'Failed to load ' . $this->url . ', svn was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.' . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/SvnDriver.php399
'Repository ' . $this->url . ' could not be processed, ' . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/SvnDriver.php403
'HgDriver requires a usable cache directory, and it looks like you set it to be disabled'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/HgDriver.php46
'Can not clone ' . $this->url . ' to access package information. The "' . $cacheDir . '" directory is not writable by the current user.'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/HgDriver.php56
'Invalid hg identifier detected. Identifier must not start with a -, given: ' . $identifier/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/HgDriver.php130
'PerforceDriver requires a usable cache directory, and it looks like you set it to be disabled'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/PerforceDriver.php64
'Not implemented/used in PerforceDriver'/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/PerforceDriver.php155
sprintf('The Bitbucket repository URL %s is invalid. It must be the HTTPS URL of a Bitbucket repository.', $this->url)/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitBitbucketDriver.php67
'Expected a root package instance if $dumpVersions is true'/src/Composer/Repository/FilesystemRepository.php60
'An InstalledRepository can not contain a repository of type ' . get_class($repository) . ' (' . $repository->getRepoName( ) . ')'/src/Composer/Repository/InstalledRepository.php274
'Invalid repository data in ' . $this->file->getPath( ) . ', packages could not be loaded: [' . get_class($e) . '] ' . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Repository/FilesystemRepository.php102
'Could not parse package list from the repository'/src/Composer/Repository/FilesystemRepository.php99
'It should not be possible to dump packages if no root package is given'/src/Composer/Repository/FilesystemRepository.php255
'Unexpected type ' . gettype($value)/src/Composer/Repository/FilesystemRepository.php236
'Could not retrieve ' . $file . ' for ' . $identifier/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitHubDriver.php314
sprintf('The GitHub repository URL %s is invalid.', $this->url)/src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitHubDriver.php63
'The `url` supplied for the path (' . $this->url . ') repository does not exist'/src/Composer/Repository/PathRepository.php163
'You must specify the `url` configuration for the path repository'/src/Composer/Repository/PathRepository.php113
'The operating system does not support GLOB_BRACE which is required for the url ' . $this->url/src/Composer/Repository/PathRepository.php245
'Failed loading the package in ' . $composerFilePath/src/Composer/Repository/PathRepository.php228
'"exclude" key for repository ' . $repo->getRepoName( ) . ' should be an array'/src/Composer/Repository/FilterRepository.php48
'"only" key for repository ' . $repo->getRepoName( ) . ' should be an array'/src/Composer/Repository/FilterRepository.php42
'"canonical" key for repository ' . $repo->getRepoName( ) . ' should be a boolean'/src/Composer/Repository/FilterRepository.php57
'Only one of "only" and "exclude" can be specified for repository ' . $repo->getRepoName( )/src/Composer/Repository/FilterRepository.php53
'The openssl extension is required for SSL/TLS protection but is not available. ' . 'If you can not enable the openssl extension, you can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the \'disable-tls\' option to true.'/src/Composer/Factory.php655
$message . PHP_EOL . $instructions/src/Composer/Factory.php311
'COMPOSER_AUTH environment variable is malformed, should be a valid JSON object'/src/Composer/Factory.php223
'The APPDATA or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly'/src/Composer/Factory.php67
"Invalid value for COMPOSER_DISCARD_CHANGES: {$env}. Expected 1, 0, true, false or stash"/src/Composer/Config.php402
"Could not parse the value of '$key': {$this->config[$key]}"/src/Composer/Config.php349
"Invalid value for 'bin-compat': {$value}. Expected auto, full or proxy"/src/Composer/Config.php387
'The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly'/src/Composer/Factory.php703
'$source is required to be provided if $fileOrData is arbitrary data'/src/Composer/Factory.php724
"Trying to revert to invalid level " . $newLevel . " from level " . $level . "."/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Solver.php302
"Could not view diff\n\n:" . $output/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php577
"Could not stash changes\n\n:" . $output/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php562
"Could not reset changes\n\n:" . $output/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php546
'Please answer yes, y, no, or n.'/src/Composer/Question/StrictConfirmationQuestion.php87
"Did not find a learnable literal in analyzed rule $analyzedRule."/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Solver.php480
'Failed to extract ' . $package->getName( ) . ' as the installation was aborted by another package operation.'/src/Composer/Downloader/ZipDownloader.php179
"Reached invalid decision id $decisionId while looking through $rule for a literal present in the analyzed rule $analyzedRule."/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Solver.php406
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php318
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php299
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php248
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php230
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php532
"Failed to apply stashed changes:\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php429
'Update aborted'/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php389
'Source directory ' . $path . ' has unpushed changes on the current branch: ' . "\n" . $unpushed/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php342
'The input is not UTF-8, could not parse as JSON'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php362
'"' . $file . '" is not UTF-8, could not parse as JSON'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php364
'"' . $source . '" does not match the expected JSON schema'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php260
'JSON encoding failed: ' . $msg/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php322
'The json file must be an object ({})'/src/Composer/Json/JsonManipulator.php48
"JsonManipulator: \$childrenClean is not defined. Please report at"/src/Composer/Json/JsonManipulator.php401
'The input does not contain valid JSON' . "\n" . $result->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php372
'"' . $file . '" does not contain valid JSON' . "\n" . $result->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php375
'Could not read ' . $this->path . "\n\n" . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php117
'Could not read ' . $this->path/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php121
'http urls require a HttpDownloader instance to be passed'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php69
'The file "' . $this->path . '" is not readable.'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php102
$dir . ' does not exist and could not be created.'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php154
'The file "' . $this->path . '" is not readable.'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php204
'Not implemented'/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Rule.php224
realpath($dir) . ' exists and is not a directory.'/src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php149
"psr-4 namespaces must end with a namespace separator, '$namespace' does not, use '$namespace\\'."/src/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.php529
"PSR-4 autoloading is incompatible with the target-dir property, remove the target-dir in package '$name'."/src/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.php524
"A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator."/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassLoader.php305
"A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator."/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassLoader.php250
'Unable to read ' . $composerJson->getPath( ) . ' contents to update the lock file hash.'/src/Composer/Command/BumpCommand.php205
'--only-name and --only-vendor cannot be used together'/src/Composer/Command/SearchCommand.php82
'Unable to write new ' . $json->getPath( ) . ' contents.'/src/Composer/Command/BumpCommand.php241
'Unable to read ' . $json->getPath( ) . ' contents.'/src/Composer/Command/BumpCommand.php227
"multi conflict rule requires at least 3 literals"/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/MultiConflictRule.php33
'Unknown rule type: ' . $type/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/RuleSet.php65
'Overwriting requires seems like a bug (' . $packageName . ' ' . $this->requires[$packageName]->getPrettyString( ) . ' => ' . $constraint->getPrettyString( ) . ', check why it is happening, might be a root alias'/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Request.php73
"Disabling multi conflict rules is not possible. Please contact composer at to let us debug what lead to this situation."/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/MultiConflictRule.php88
"Fixed package " . $package->getPrettyString( ) . " was not added to solver pool."/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/RuleSetGenerator.php260
'Attempted removing a package which was previously marked irremovable'/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/PoolOptimizer.php307
"Single reason problems must contain a root require rule."/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php87
"Trying to decide $literalString on level $level, even though $package was previously decided as " . $previousDecision . "."/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Decisions.php205
sprintf("Could not find package %s. It was however found via repository search, which indicates a consistency issue with the repository.", $name)/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php356
sprintf("Could not find package %s.\n\nDid you mean " . (count($similar) > 1 ? 'one of these' : 'this') . "?\n %s", $name, implode("\n ", $similar))/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php369
sprintf('Could not find a matching version of package %s. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (%s).', $name, $effectiveMinimumStability)/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php376
'findSimilar was called before $this->repos was initialized'/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php396
'"scripts-aliases" element array values should contain only strings'/src/Composer/Command/ScriptAliasCommand.php44
'Expected an Input instance that is stringable, got ' . get_class($input)/src/Composer/Command/ScriptAliasCommand.php84
'Not enough arguments (missing: "package").'/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php147
'Could not remove ' . $dir/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php295
'Expected a CompletePackageInterface instance but found ' . get_class($package)/src/Composer/Command/ArchiveCommand.php204
'Expected a BasePackage instance but found ' . get_class($package)/src/Composer/Command/ArchiveCommand.php207
'Valid composer.json and composer.lock files are required to run this command with --locked'/src/Composer/Command/AuditCommand.php78
'Not a valid selection'/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php220
sprintf('Package %s has requirements incompatible with your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version' . $this->getPlatformExceptionDetails($candidate, $platformRepo), $name)/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php318
'Package ' . $name . ' exists in ' . $allReposPackage->getRepository( )->getRepoName( ) . ' and ' . $package->getRepository( )->getRepoName( ) . ' which has a higher repository priority. The packages from the higher priority repository do not match your minimum-stability and are therefore not installable. That repository is canonical so the lower priority repo\'s packages are not installable. See for details and assistance.'/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php328
sprintf('Could not find a version of package %s matching your minimum-stability (%s). Require it with an explicit version constraint allowing its desired stability.', $name, $effectiveMinimumStability)/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php332
sprintf('Could not find package %s in any version matching your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version' . $this->getPlatformExceptionDetails($candidate, $platformRepo) . '%s', $name, $additional)/src/Composer/Command/PackageDiscoveryTrait.php345
'You can not use both --no-dev and --dev as they conflict with each other.'/src/Composer/Command/DumpAutoloadCommand.php95
'--strict-psr mode only works with optimized autoloader, use --optimize or --classmap-authoritative if you want a strict return value.'/src/Composer/Command/DumpAutoloadCommand.php75
'--' . $optName . ' must be one of ' . implode(', ', Auditor::FORMATS) . '.'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php441
'This should not be called on a Command which has no ' . $optName . ' option defined.'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php436
'Option ' . $requirement['name'] . ' is missing a version constraint, use e.g. ' . $requirement['name'] . ':^1.0'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php379
'Calling getPlatformRequirementFilter from a command which does not define the --ignore-platform-req[s] flags is not permitted.'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php353
'--prefer-install accepts one of "dist", "source" or "auto", got ' . $input->getOption('prefer-install')/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php338
'--prefer-dist can not be used together with --prefer-install'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php324
'--prefer-source can not be used together with --prefer-install'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php321
'Could not create a Composer\Composer instance, you must inject ' . 'one if this command is not used with a Composer\Console\Application instance'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php105
'Composer commands can only work with an ' . Application::class . ' instance set'/src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php64
$errorMessage . '.'/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php424
$errorMessage . ' in a version installable using your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version.'/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php421
'Invalid stability provided (' . $stability . '), must be one of: ' . implode(', ', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities))/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php388
'Project directory "' . $directory . '" is not empty.'/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php371
'Cannot create project directory at "' . $directory . '", it exists as a file.'/src/Composer/Command/CreateProjectCommand.php368
'Missing required argument "script"'/src/Composer/Command/RunScriptCommand.php110
sprintf('Script "%s" cannot be run with this command', $script)/src/Composer/Command/RunScriptCommand.php115
'Invalid email "' . $match['email'] . '"'/src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php471
'Invalid author string. Must be in the formats: ' . 'Jane Doe or John Smith <>'/src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php481
'Invalid minimum stability "' . $value . '". Must be empty or one of: ' . implode(', ', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities))/src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php369
sprintf('The src folder name "%s" is invalid. Please add a relative path with tailing forward slash. [A-Za-z0-9_-/]+/', $value)/src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php448
'You have to run this command in interactive mode, or specify at least some data using --name, --require, etc.'/src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php152
'The package name ' . $value . ' is invalid, it should be lowercase and have a vendor name, a forward slash, and a package name, matching: [a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+'/src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php303
'ShowCommand::getPackage can only work with CompletePackageInterface, but got ' . get_class($matchedPackage)/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php826
'The package name ' . $options['name'] . ' is invalid, it should be lowercase and have a vendor name, a forward slash, and a package name, matching: [a-z0-9_.-]+/[a-z0-9_.-]+'/src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php94
'Package "' . $package->getName( ) . '" is installed but not a direct dependent of the root package.'/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php304
'Package "' . $packageFilter . '" not found' . $hint . '.'/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php324
'You cannot use --self together with a package name'/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php211
'A valid composer.json and composer.lock files is required to run this command with --locked'/src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php243
'Not enough arguments (missing: "packages").'/src/Composer/Command/RemoveCommand.php90
'A valid composer.lock file is required to run this command with --unused'/src/Composer/Command/RemoveCommand.php100
'Too many arguments, expected only one token'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php844
'Expected two arguments (consumer-key, consumer-secret), got ' . count($values)/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php835
'Setting ' . $settingKey . ' does not exist or is not supported by this command'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php879
'Expected two arguments (username, password), got ' . count($values)/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php850
sprintf('"%s" is an invalid value', $values[0])/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php635
'Invalid value for ' . $settingKey . '. Should be one of: auto, source, or dist'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php618
'You must pass the type and a url. Example: php composer.phar config vcs'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php754
'The ' . $settingKey . ' property can not be set in the global config.json file. Use `composer global config` to apply changes to the global composer.json'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php703
'There is no ' . $matches[1] . ' repository defined'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php298
'You can not combine a setting value with --unset'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php272
$settingKey . ' is not defined'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php345
$settingKey . ' is not defined.'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php322
'Timeout value must be numeric and positive if defined, or 0 for forever'/src/Composer/Command/RunScriptCommand.php131
sprintf('Script "%s" is not defined in this package', $script)/src/Composer/Command/RunScriptCommand.php124
sprintf('File "%s" cannot be found in the current directory', $configFile)/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php218
'--file and --global can not be combined'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php180
'The openssl extension is required for phar signatures to be verified but it is not available. ' . 'If you can not enable the openssl extension, you can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the \'disable-tls\' option to true.'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php269
'Failed loading the public key from ' . $sigFile/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php317
'SHA384 is not supported by your openssl extension, could not verify the phar file integrity'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php321
'Failed loading the phar signature from ' . $remoteFilename . '.sig, got ' . $signature/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php326
sprintf('Could not find package "%s" in your project', $needle)/src/Composer/Command/BaseDependencyCommand.php100
'Composer update failed: the "' . $localFilename . '" is not accessible'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php132
'Composer update failed: the "' . $tmpDir . '" directory used to download the temp file could not be written'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php140
'Version "' . $updateVersion . '" could not be found.'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php249
'--interactive cannot be used in non-interactive terminals.'/src/Composer/Command/UpdateCommand.php261
'You must enter minimum one package.'/src/Composer/Command/UpdateCommand.php301
'Installation aborted.'/src/Composer/Command/UpdateCommand.php318
'A valid composer.lock file is required to run this command with --locked'/src/Composer/Command/BaseDependencyCommand.php70
'You can only pass one value. Example: php composer.phar config process-timeout 300'/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php890
sprintf('"%s" is an invalid value' . ($validation ? ' (' . $validation . ')' : ''), $values[0])/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php894
sprintf('%s is an invalid value' . ($validation ? ' (' . $validation . ')' : ''), json_encode($values))/src/Composer/Command/ConfigCommand.php921
sprintf('Unsupported format "%s". See help for supported formats.', $format)/src/Composer/Command/LicensesCommand.php148
$directory . ' exists and is not a directory.'/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php251
'Could not delete symbolic link ' . $directory . ': ' . (error_get_last( )['message'] ?? '')/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php256
'No composer.json found either at the top level or within the topmost directory'/src/Composer/Util/Zip.php99
'Aborting an attempted deletion of ' . $directory . ', this was probably not intended, if it is a real use case please report it.'/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php189
sprintf('$from (%s) and $to (%s) must be absolute paths.', $from, $to)/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php479
"$path does not exist."/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php541
$directory . ' does not exist and could not be created: ' . (error_get_last( )['message'] ?? '')/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php260
sprintf('$from (%s) and $to (%s) must be absolute paths.', $from, $to)/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php428
sprintf('Failed to create junction to "%s" at "%s".', $target, $junction)/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php803
sprintf('%s is not a junction and thus cannot be removed as one', $junction)/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php859
sprintf('Function %s is not available on non-Windows platform', __CLASS__)/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php786
sprintf('Cannot junction to "%s" as it is not a directory.', $target)/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php789
'Invalid GitLab credentials 5 times in a row, aborting.'/src/Composer/Util/GitLab.php195
'No GitLab refresh token present for ' . $originUrl . '.'/src/Composer/Util/GitLab.php294
'Archive has more than one top level directories, and no composer.json was found on the top level, so it\'s an invalid archive. Top level paths found were: ' . implode(',', array_keys($topLevelPaths))/src/Composer/Util/Tar.php47
'No composer.json found either at the top level or within the topmost directory'/src/Composer/Util/Tar.php57
'$url must not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php108
'Expected a token configured with expires_in present, got ' . json_encode($this->token)/src/Composer/Util/Bitbucket.php223
'Failed to initialize token above'/src/Composer/Util/Bitbucket.php209
'Expected a token configured with expires_in and access_token present, got ' . json_encode($token)/src/Composer/Util/Bitbucket.php102
'You must use the HttpDownloader instance which is part of a Composer\Loop instance to be able to run async http requests'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php223
'$url must not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php176
'$url must not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php154
'$url must not be an empty string'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php134
'Could not determine the current working directory'/src/Composer/Util/Platform.php49
'Response not available yet, call wait() first'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php426
'Invalid request id'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php417
'Download of ' . Url::sanitize($job['request']['url']) . ' canceled'/src/Composer/Util/HttpDownloader.php277
'You must enable the openssl extension to make https requests through a proxy.'/src/Composer/Util/StreamContextFactory.php90
'You must enable the curl extension to make https requests through a secure proxy.'/src/Composer/Util/StreamContextFactory.php87
'You must enable the openssl extension to use a secure proxy.'/src/Composer/Util/StreamContextFactory.php84
'Could not determine user directory'/src/Composer/Util/Platform.php135
'The configured cafile was not valid or could not be read.'/src/Composer/Util/StreamContextFactory.php218
'The configured capath was not valid or could not be read.'/src/Composer/Util/StreamContextFactory.php222
'Failed to retrieve the public key from certificate'/src/Composer/Util/TlsHelper.php138
'p4 command not found in path: ' . $errorOutput/src/Composer/Util/Perforce.php334
'Invalid user name: ' . $this->getUser( )/src/Composer/Util/Perforce.php336
"Error logging in:" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Util/Perforce.php436
'You must use the ProcessExecutor instance which is part of a Composer\Loop instance to be able to run async processes'/src/Composer/Util/ProcessExecutor.php163
'Aborted process'/src/Composer/Util/ProcessExecutor.php196
'Content-Length mismatch, received ' . Platform::strlen($result) . ' bytes out of the expected ' . $contentLength/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php318
'The "' . $this->fileUrl . '" file could not be downloaded (' . $http_response_header[0] . ')'/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php407
'The "' . $this->fileUrl . '" file could not be downloaded: ' . $errorMessage/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php476
'"' . $this->fileUrl . '" appears broken, and returned an empty 200 response'/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php443
'The "' . $this->fileUrl . '" file could not be written to ' . $fileName . ': ' . $errorMessage/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php458
'Maximum allowed download size reached. Downloaded ' . Platform::strlen($result) . ' of allowed ' . $maxFileSize . ' bytes'/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php529
"The '" . $this->fileUrl . "' URL could not be accessed: " . $message/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php563
'Failed to decode zlib stream'/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php707
'The "' . $this->fileUrl . '" file could not be downloaded, got redirect without Location (' . $http_response_header[0] . ')'/src/Composer/Util/RemoteFilesystem.php682
'url key missing from request array'/src/Composer/Util/Http/Response.php40
'Unable to use a proxy: ' . $this->error/src/Composer/Util/Http/ProxyManager.php83
'The "' . $url . '" file could not be written to ' . ($copyTo ?? 'a temporary file') . ': ' . $errorMessage/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php197
'Failed to open a temp stream to store curl headers'/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php177
'Failed getting info from curl handle ' . $i . ' (' . $this->jobs[$i]['url'] . ')'/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php340
'Connecting to a secure proxy using curl is not supported on PHP versions below 7.3.0.'/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php258
'Received unexpected http status code 0 without error for ' . Url::sanitize($progress['url']) . ': headers ' . var_export($headers, true) . ' curl info ' . var_export($progress, true)/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php397
'curl error ' . $errno . ' while downloading ' . Url::sanitize($progress['url']) . ': ' . $error/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php389
'The "' . $job['url'] . '" file could not be downloaded, got redirect without Location (' . $response->getStatusMessage( ) . ')'/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php544
'Maximum allowed download size reached. Downloaded ' . Platform::strlen($contents) . ' of allowed ' . $maxFileSize . ' bytes'/src/Composer/Util/Http/CurlDownloader.php417
sprintf('The file "%s" is not readable.', $this->file->getPath( ))/src/Composer/Config/JsonConfigSource.php218
sprintf('The file "%s" is not writable.', $this->file->getPath( ))/src/Composer/Config/JsonConfigSource.php214
'Invalid channel ' . $channel . ', must be one of: ' . implode(', ', self::CHANNELS)/src/Composer/SelfUpdate/Versions.php68
'Failed to update composer.json with a valid format, reverting to the original content. Please report an issue to us with details (command you run and a copy of your composer.json). ' . PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $e->getErrors( ))/src/Composer/Config/JsonConfigSource.php278
sprintf("Circular call to script handler '%s' detected", $eventName)/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php606
'Setting the user inputs requires at least the version 3.2 of the symfony/console component.'/src/Composer/IO/BufferIO.php78
'Error Output: ' . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php402
'Failed to locate PHP binary to execute ' . $phpPath/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php433
'Subscriber ' . $className . '::' . $callable[1] . ' for event ' . $event->getName( ) . ' is not callable, make sure the function is defined and public'/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php208
'Error Output: ' . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php233
'There is no version of Composer available for your PHP version (' . PHP_VERSION . ')'/src/Composer/SelfUpdate/Versions.php97
'If no $event is passed in to ' . __METHOD__ . ' you have to pass in an $eventName, got null.'/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php110
'Plugin ' . get_class($plugin) . ' provided invalid capability class name(s), got ' . var_export($capabilities[$capability], true)/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php564
"Cannot instantiate Capability, as class $capabilityClass from plugin " . get_class($plugin) . " does not exist."/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php583
'Could not activate plugin "' . $package->getName( ) . '" as "' . $class . '" does not implement Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface'/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php293
'Plugin ' . $package->getName( ) . ' could not be initialized, class not found: ' . $class/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php299
'Error while installing ' . $package->getPrettyName( ) . ', composer-plugin packages should have a class defined in their extra key to be usable.'/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php205
'Could not activate plugin "' . $package->getName( ) . '" as "' . $class . '" does not implement Composer\Installer\InstallerInterface'/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php285
'Your github oauth token for ' . $domain . ' contains invalid characters: "' . $token . '"'/src/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php139
"Plugin " . $package->getName( ) . " is missing a require statement for a version of the composer-plugin-api package."/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php170
'Package ' . $target->getPrettyName( ) . ' is missing reference information'/src/Composer/Downloader/VcsDownloader.php164
'Package ' . $package->getPrettyName( ) . ' is missing reference information'/src/Composer/Downloader/VcsDownloader.php129
'Package ' . $package->getPrettyName( ) . ' is missing reference information'/src/Composer/Downloader/VcsDownloader.php66
'Could not extract entry'/src/Composer/Downloader/RarDownloader.php74
'Could not retrieve RAR archive entries'/src/Composer/Downloader/RarDownloader.php69
'Could not open RAR archive: ' . $file/src/Composer/Downloader/RarDownloader.php63
$package . ($isGlobalPlugin || $this->runningInGlobalDir ? ' (installed globally)' : '') . ' contains a Composer plugin which is blocked by your allow-plugins config. You may add it to the list if you consider it safe.' . PHP_EOL . 'You can run "composer ' . ($isGlobalPlugin || $this->runningInGlobalDir ? 'global ' : '') . 'config --no-plugins allow-plugins.' . $package . ' [true|false]" to enable it (true) or disable it explicitly and suppress this exception (false)' . PHP_EOL . 'See'/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php753
'Class ' . $capabilityClass . ' must implement both Composer\Plugin\Capability\Capability and ' . $capabilityClassName . '.'/src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php592
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/FossilDownloader.php51
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/FossilDownloader.php47
'Package ' . $package . ' must have a source or dist specified'/src/Composer/Downloader/DownloadManager.php408
sprintf('Downloader "%s" is a %s type downloader and can not be used to download %s for package %s', get_class($downloader), $downloader->getInstallationSource( ), $installationSource, $package)/src/Composer/Downloader/DownloadManager.php154
'Package ' . $package . ' does not have an installation source set'/src/Composer/Downloader/DownloadManager.php149
sprintf('Unknown downloader type: %s. Available types: %s.', $type, implode(', ', array_keys($this->downloaders)))/src/Composer/Downloader/DownloadManager.php121
'Source directory ' . $path . ' has uncommitted changes.'/src/Composer/Downloader/VcsDownloader.php268
'Could not completely delete ' . $path . ', aborting.'/src/Composer/Downloader/VcsDownloader.php233
'hg was not found in your PATH, skipping source download'/src/Composer/Downloader/HgDownloader.php31
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/HgDownloader.php53
'The .hg directory is missing from ' . $path . ', see for more information'/src/Composer/Downloader/HgDownloader.php70
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/HgDownloader.php106
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/FossilDownloader.php55
'The .fslckout file is missing from ' . $path . ', see for more information'/src/Composer/Downloader/FossilDownloader.php73
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/FossilDownloader.php78
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/FossilDownloader.php108
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php200
'Unable to determine svn url for path ' . $path/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php209
'Failed to execute ' . $command . "\n\n" . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php225
"Could not reset changes\n\n:" . $this->process->getErrorOutput( )/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php239
'svn was not found in your PATH, skipping source download'/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php39
'The .svn directory is missing from ' . $path . ', see for more information'/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php76
$package->getPrettyName( ) . ' could not be downloaded, ' . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php124
'Update aborted'/src/Composer/Downloader/SvnDownloader.php169
'Installing ' . $package . ' would lead to overwriting the ' . $to . '/' . basename($file) . ' directory with a file from the package, invalid operation.'/src/Composer/Downloader/ArchiveDownloader.php150
'You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https'/src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php469
sprintf('Package %s cannot install to "%s" inside its source at "%s"', $package->getName( ), realpath($path), $realUrl)/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php64
sprintf('Source path "%s" is not found for package %s', $url, $package->getName( ))/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php48
$url['base'] . ' could not be saved to ' . $fileName . ', make sure the' . ' directory is writable and you have internet connectivity'/src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php213
'The given package is missing url information'/src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php124
'Could not completely delete ' . $path . ', aborting.'/src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php425
'The checksum verification of the file failed (downloaded from ' . $url['base'] . ')'/src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php218
'The required git reference for ' . $package->getName( ) . ' is not in cache and network is disabled, aborting'/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php116
'git was not found in your PATH, skipping source download'/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php82
'The required git reference for ' . $target->getName( ) . ' is not in cache and network is disabled, aborting'/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php174
'The .git directory is missing from ' . $path . ', see for more information'/src/Composer/Downloader/GitDownloader.php161
'Could not reliably remove junction for package ' . $package->getName( )/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php182
sprintf('Symlink from "%s" to "%s" failed!', $realUrl, $path)/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php138
'Your PHP has the symlink() function disabled which does not allow Composer to use symlinks and this path repository has symlink:true in its options so copying is not allowed'/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php286
'You are on an old Windows / old PHP combo which does not allow Composer to use junctions/symlinks and this path repository has symlink:true in its options so copying is not allowed'/src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php277
sprintf('PlatformRequirementFilter: Unknown $boolOrList parameter %s. Please report at', gettype($boolOrList))/src/Composer/Filter/PlatformRequirementFilter/PlatformRequirementFilterFactory.php31
'Could not switch back to working directory "' . $this->getApplication( )->getInitialWorkingDirectory( ) . '"'/src/Composer/Command/ExecCommand.php118
'Package is not installed: ' . $initial/src/Composer/Installer/LibraryInstaller.php174
'Error while installing ' . $package->getPrettyName( ) . ', composer-plugin packages should have a class defined in their extra key to be usable.'/src/Composer/Installer/PluginInstaller.php71
'Package is not installed: ' . $initial/src/Composer/Installer/MetapackageInstaller.php98
'Package is not installed: ' . $package/src/Composer/Installer/LibraryInstaller.php203
"Project directory $installPath is not empty."/src/Composer/Installer/ProjectInstaller.php66
'Package is not installed: ' . $package/src/Composer/Installer/MetapackageInstaller.php115
"not supported"/src/Composer/Installer/ProjectInstaller.php112
"not supported"/src/Composer/Installer/ProjectInstaller.php104
'Package is not installed: ' . $initial/src/Composer/Installer/NoopInstaller.php85
'Unknown installer type: ' . $type/src/Composer/Installer/InstallationManager.php133
'Cannot use table format with ' . get_class($io)/src/Composer/Advisory/Auditor.php225
'Package is not installed: ' . $package/src/Composer/Installer/NoopInstaller.php102
'Cannot use table format with ' . get_class($io)/src/Composer/Advisory/Auditor.php334
'Invalid format "' . $format . '".'/src/Composer/Advisory/Auditor.php238
'The phar signature did not match the file you downloaded, this means your public keys are outdated or that the phar file is corrupt/has been modified'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php337
'Public keys can not be fetched in non-interactive mode, please run Composer interactively'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php370
'Invalid input'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php378
'Composer rollback failed: no installation to roll back to in "' . $rollbackDir . '"'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php420
'Composer rollback failed: "' . $oldFile . '" could not be found'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php426
'Composer rollback failed: "' . $oldFile . '" could not be read'/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php429
$action . ' failed: "' . $localFilename . '" could not be written.' . PHP_EOL . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Command/SelfUpdateCommand.php495
'No composer.json present in the current directory (' . $this->file . '), this may be the cause of the following exception.'/src/Composer/Command/RequireCommand.php226
self::class . ' should be initialized with a fully loaded Composer instance.'/src/Composer/Installer/PluginInstaller.php134
self::class . ' should be initialized with a fully loaded Composer instance to be able to install/... packages'/src/Composer/Installer/LibraryInstaller.php341
'Failed to extract ' . $package->getName( ) . ': (' . $process->getExitCode( ) . ') ' . $command . "\n\n" . $output/src/Composer/Downloader/ZipDownloader.php185
rtrim("There was an error extracting the ZIP file, it is either corrupted or using an invalid format.\n")/src/Composer/Downloader/ZipDownloader.php220
rtrim($this->getErrorMessage($retval, $file) . "\n")/src/Composer/Downloader/ZipDownloader.php222
'The archive may contain identical file names with different capitalization (which fails on case insensitive filesystems): ' . $e->getMessage( )/src/Composer/Downloader/ZipDownloader.php225
'This should only be reached with a fully loaded Composer'/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php148
'This should only be reached with a fully loaded Composer'/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php129
'This should only be reached with a fully loaded Composer'/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php166
'This should only be reached with a fully loaded Composer'/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php553
'ArrayLoader expects instances of the Composer\Package\CompletePackage class to function correctly'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php145
'Package ' . $config['name'] . ' has no version defined.'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php115
sprintf("Package %s's dist key should be specified as " . "{\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ..., \"shasum\": ...},\n%s given.", $config['name'], json_encode($config['dist']))/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php194
sprintf("Package %s's source key should be specified as {\"type\": ..., \"url\": ..., \"reference\": ...},\n%s given.", $config['name'], json_encode($config['source']))/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php178
sprintf('Can not compress to %s format', $format)/src/Composer/Package/Archiver/PharArchiver.php71
sprintf('No archiver found to support %s format', $format)/src/Composer/Package/Archiver/ArchiveManager.php163
'Unknown package has no name defined (' . json_encode($config) . ').'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php112
'Expected a valid stability name as 3rd argument, got ' . $preferredStability/src/Composer/Package/Version/VersionSelector.php76
sprintf('Package "%s" cannot be added to repository "%s" as it is already in repository "%s".', $this->getPrettyName( ), $repository->getRepoName( ), $this->repository->getRepoName( ))/src/Composer/Package/BasePackage.php137
sprintf('Package "%s" has no version or name and can not be locked', $package)/src/Composer/Package/Locker.php426
'Format must be specified'/src/Composer/Package/Archiver/ArchiveManager.php149
'Display mode ' . $displayMode . ' is not supported'/src/Composer/Package/BasePackage.php217
'The lock file does not contain require-dev information, run install with the --no-dev option or delete it and run composer update to generate a new lock file.'/src/Composer/Package/Locker.php164
sprintf('Link %s has been misconfigured and had no prettyConstraint given.', $this)/src/Composer/Package/Link.php125
'No lockfile found. Unable to read locked packages'/src/Composer/Package/Locker.php327
'Your composer.lock is invalid. Run "composer update" to generate a new one.'/src/Composer/Package/Locker.php197
'Cannot set suggested values if the option does not accept a value.'/src/Composer/Console/Input/InputOption.php53
sprintf('Closure for argument "%s" must return an array. Got "%s".', $this->getName( ), get_debug_type($values))/src/Composer/Console/Input/InputOption.php66
'Invalid working directory specified, ' . $workingDir . ' does not exist.'/src/Composer/Console/Application.php437
'Plugin capability ' . get_class($capability) . ' failed to return an array from getCommands'/src/Composer/Console/Application.php649
'Plugin capability ' . get_class($capability) . ' returned an invalid value, we expected an array of Composer\Command\BaseCommand objects'/src/Composer/Console/Application.php653
sprintf('Closure for option "%s" must return an array. Got "%s".', $this->getName( ), get_debug_type($values))/src/Composer/Console/Input/InputArgument.php63
sprintf('Root package \'%s\' cannot require itself in its composer.json' . PHP_EOL . 'Did you accidentally name your root package after an external package?', $config['name'])/src/Composer/Package/Loader/RootPackageLoader.php164
$linkType . '.' . $err/src/Composer/Package/Loader/RootPackageLoader.php174
'Invalid alias definition in "' . $reqName . '": "' . $reqVersion . '". Aliases should be in the form "exact-version as other-exact-version".'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/RootPackageLoader.php218
sprintf("JsonLoader: Unknown \$json parameter %s. Please report at", gettype($json))/src/Composer/Package/Loader/JsonLoader.php48
'Link constraint in ' . $source . ' ' . $description . ' > ' . $target . ' should be a string, got ' . \gettype($prettyConstraint) . ' (' . var_export($prettyConstraint, true) . ')'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php388
'no/invalid version defined'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php409
'Your package name ' . $err/src/Composer/Package/Loader/RootPackageLoader.php83
'Expecting a Composer\Package\RootPackage at this point'/src/Composer/Package/Loader/RootPackageLoader.php137
"No binaries found in composer.json or in bin-dir ($binDir)"/src/Composer/Command/ExecCommand.php86
'Could not switch to home directory "' . $home . '"'/src/Composer/Command/GlobalCommand.php145
'Could not create home directory'/src/Composer/Command/GlobalCommand.php138
'Expected an Input instance that is stringable, got ' . get_class($input)/src/Composer/Command/GlobalCommand.php122
'Expected an Input instance that is stringable, got ' . get_class($input)/src/Composer/Command/GlobalCommand.php93
sprintf("DiagnoseCommand: Unknown warning type \"%s\". Please report at", $warning)/src/Composer/Command/DiagnoseCommand.php775
sprintf("DiagnoseCommand: Unknown error type \"%s\". Please report at", $error)/src/Composer/Command/DiagnoseCommand.php713
'Unable to read ' . $this->json->getPath( ) . ' contents to update the lock file hash.'/src/Composer/Command/RequireCommand.php558