Compatibility PHP 8.2

: Nothing found for this analysis, proceed with caution; : some issues found, check this; : Can't test this, PHP version incompatible; : Can't test this, PHP configuration incompatible; .

Undefined Properties 1572 warnings
False To Array Conversion 1102 warnings
Float Conversion As Index
Cannot Call Static Trait Method Directly
Deprecated Callable
Checks Property Existence 51 warnings
Extends stdClass
version_compare Operator
Dollar Curly Interpolation Is Deprecated
Utf8 Encode And Decode Are Deprecated 3 warnings
New Functions In PHP 8.2
Deprecated Mb_string Encodings
Constants In Traits
Readonly Property Changed By Cloning
New Dynamic Class Constant Syntax
class_alias() Supports Internal Classes
Redeclared Static Variable
Static Variable Can Default To Arbitrary Expression
Inherited Class Constant Visibility
Final Traits Are Final
Typed Class Constants Usage
Static Variable Initialisation