Error messages

This is the list of error messages, as found in die() and exit() expressions.

esc_html__('A replacement variable can only contain alphanumeric characters, an underscore or a dash. Try renaming your variable.', 'wordpress-seo')/inc/class-wpseo-replace-vars.php105
esc_html__('A replacement variable with the same name has already been registered. Try making your variable name unique.', 'wordpress-seo')/inc/class-wpseo-replace-vars.php118
esc_html__('A replacement variable can not start with "%%cf_" or "%%ct_" as these are reserved for the WPSEO standard variable variables for custom fields and custom taxonomies. Try making your variable name unique.', 'wordpress-seo')/inc/class-wpseo-replace-vars.php108
esc_html__('You cannot overrule a WPSEO standard variable replacement by registering a variable with the same name. Use the "wpseo_replacements" filter instead to adjust the replacement value.', 'wordpress-seo')/inc/class-wpseo-replace-vars.php122
\sprintf(\__('Method %1$s() does not exist in class %2$s', 'wordpress-seo'), $method, $class_name)/src/exceptions/missing-method.php22
\sprintf('Setting property $%s is not supported.', $property_name)/src/exceptions/forbidden-property-mutation-exception.php21
sprintf(__('Cannot get the size of %1$s because it is hosted externally.', 'wordpress-seo'), $file_url)/admin/exceptions/class-file-size-exception.php21
sprintf(__('Cannot get the size of %1$s because of unknown reasons.', 'wordpress-seo'), $file_url)/admin/exceptions/class-file-size-exception.php38
\sprintf(\__('The post %s could not be indexed because it does not meet indexing requirements.', 'wordpress-seo'), $post_id)/src/exceptions/indexable/post-not-built-exception.php20
\sprintf(\__('The post %s could not be indexed because it\'s post type is excluded from indexing.', 'wordpress-seo'), $post_id)/src/exceptions/indexable/post-not-built-exception.php32
\sprintf('Unsetting property $%s is not supported.', $property_name)/src/exceptions/forbidden-property-mutation-exception.php32
\sprintf(\__('The term %s could not be built because it\'s not indexable.', 'wordpress-seo'), $term_id)/src/exceptions/indexable/term-not-built-exception.php20
'Indexable for author with id ' . $user_id . ' is not being built, since it is excluded because of the \'wpseo_should_build_and_save_user_indexable\' filter.'/src/exceptions/indexable/author-not-built-exception.php48
"Indexable was not built because it had an invalid object id of $object_id."/src/exceptions/indexable/not-built-exception.php20
'Indexable for author with id ' . $user_id . ' is not being built, since author archives are not indexed for users without posts.'/src/exceptions/indexable/author-not-built-exception.php20
'Indexable for author with id ' . $user_id . ' is not being built, since author archives are disabled.'/src/exceptions/indexable/author-not-built-exception.php34
esc_html__('No JSON object was returned.', 'wordpress-seo')/inc/class-my-yoast-api-request.php141
__('Trying to build the sitemap cache key, but the postfix and prefix combination leaves too little room to do this. You are probably requesting a page that is way out of the expected range.', 'wordpress-seo')/inc/sitemaps/class-sitemaps-cache-validator.php111
__('Expected an integer as input.', 'wordpress-seo')/inc/sitemaps/class-sitemaps-cache-validator.php294
'Invalid sitemap page requested'/inc/sitemaps/class-taxonomy-sitemap-provider.php209
'Invalid sitemap page requested'/inc/sitemaps/class-post-type-sitemap-provider.php176
'Invalid sitemap page requested'/inc/sitemaps/class-post-type-sitemap-provider.php195
'Importing action without explicit plugin'/src/actions/importing/abstract-aioseo-importing-action.php131
'Invalid sitemap page requested'/inc/sitemaps/class-author-sitemap-provider.php167
'Invalid User ID'/src/actions/settings-introduction-action.php122
'You must provide an argument with the migration name.'/config/composer/actions.php270
'Importing settings action without explicit source option_name'/src/actions/importing/aioseo/abstract-aioseo-settings-importing-action.php93
"$name is not a valid migration name."/config/composer/actions.php285
'Importing action without explicit type'/src/actions/importing/abstract-aioseo-importing-action.php149
'You must provide an argument with the fully qualified class name' . 'for which you want a unit test to be generated.'/config/composer/actions.php398
'Attempting to create a model presentation from another model presentation. Use the prototype presentation gained from DI instead.'/src/presentations/abstract-presentation.php39
"A class with the name $name already exists."/config/composer/actions.php288
'Attempting property access on prototype presentation. Use Presentation::of( $data ) to get a model presentation.'/src/presentations/abstract-presentation.php62
'name is a required argument'/admin/class-asset.php161
\sprintf('Expected to find class "%s" in file "%s" while importing services from resource "%s", but it was not found! Check the namespace prefix used with the resource.', $class, $path, $pattern)/config/dependency-injection/custom-loader.php190
'src is a required argument'/admin/class-asset.php165
'Unable to retrieve file from MyYoast'/admin/class-my-yoast-proxy.php124
'Received unexpected response from MyYoast'/admin/class-my-yoast-proxy.php128
sprintf(__('Not all required fields are given. Missing field %1$s', 'wordpress-seo'), $field_name)/admin/menu/class-replacevar-editor.php148
sprintf(__('%s is a required feature toggle argument.', 'wordpress-seo'), $key)/admin/views/class-yoast-feature-toggle.php161
'Primary key ID contains null value(s)'/lib/orm.php2054
'Primary key ID missing from row or is null'/lib/orm.php2060
'Instance to be inserted is not a new one'/lib/orm.php2214
'Invalid instances to be inserted'/lib/orm.php2242
sprintf('Property $%s does not exist.', $property)/lib/abstract-main.php81
"Error adding $type column: precision cannot be empty if scale is specified"/lib/migrations/adapter.php799
'Error adding enum column: there must be at least one value defined'/lib/migrations/adapter.php805
'MySQL does not support function calls as default values, constants only.'/lib/migrations/adapter.php854
'Transaction already started'/lib/migrations/adapter.php1033
'Transaction not started'/lib/migrations/adapter.php1050
'Transaction not started'/lib/migrations/adapter.php1067
'Invalid MySQL Adapter instance.'/lib/migrations/table.php80
"Invalid 'type' parameter"/lib/migrations/column.php65
"Invalid 'name' parameter"/lib/migrations/column.php62
'Invalid Adapter instance.'/lib/migrations/column.php59
'Invalid response received from Authorization Server. Expected JSON.'/src/config/wincher-pkce-provider.php192
'Unknown PKCE method "' . $pkce_method . '".'/src/config/wincher-pkce-provider.php147
\sprintf("Table Definition: '%s' has not been initialized", $this->name)/lib/migrations/table.php183
"Invalid 'name' parameter"/lib/migrations/table.php83
\sprintf('Namespace is not a valid PSR-4 prefix: %s.', $namespace)/config/dependency-injection/custom-loader.php82
\sprintf('Invalid "exclude" pattern when importing classes for "%s": make sure your "exclude" pattern (%s) is a subset of the "resource" pattern (%s)', $namespace, $excludePattern, $pattern)/config/dependency-injection/custom-loader.php157
\sprintf('%s - %s', $migration_class, $e->getMessage( ))/src/initializers/migration-runner.php168
\sprintf('A unit test already exists at path "%1$s"', $unit_test_path)/config/composer/unit-test-generator.php49
"Property $name has no generator. Expected function $generator."/src/presentations/abstract-presentation.php69
\sprintf('Namespace prefix must end with a "\\": %s.', $namespace)/config/dependency-injection/custom-loader.php79