PHP Static analysis for public

Label Recipes Issues Files Severity Frequence
Arrays/WeakType All, Analyze 8 5 Minor 0 %
Ambiguous Static All, Analyze, Semantics 6 6 Minor 66 %
Class Could Be Final All, Analyze, ClassReview 7 7 Minor 96 %
Method Could Be Static All, Analyze, ClassReview 2 2 Minor 92 %
Could Inject Param All, Analyze, ClassReview 16 10 Minor 0 %
Dependant Abstract Classes All, Analyze, ClassReview 1 1 Minor 0 %
Empty Classes Analyze, All, Simple 1 1 Minor 60 %
Instantiating Abstract Class Analyze, All, Simple, IsPHP, IsStub, IsExt 7 7 Major 13 %
Assign Default To Properties Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, Level 2 2 2 Minor 71 %
Method Signature Must Be Compatible All, Analyze, LintButWontExec 2 2 Critical 53 %
Property Could Be Local All, Analyze, ClassReview 13 5 Minor 76 %
Same Name For Property And Method All, Analyze, ClassReview, Semantics 52 13 Minor 0 %
Property Used In One Method Only All, Analyze 1 1 Minor 84 %
Parent, Static Or Self Outside Class Analyze, All, Simple, ChangedBehavior 1 1 Major 21 %
Should Use Local Class Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple 3 3 Minor 95 %
Undefined Classes Analyze, All, Stubs, Undefined, IsPHP, IsStub, IsExt 3 1 Major 91 %
Unfinished Object All, Analyze, ClassReview 1 1 Major 0 %
Unused Classes Dead code, All, Simple, Analyze, Unused 3 3 Major 67 %
Unused Public Method All, Analyze 87 32 Minor 0 %
Use Instanceof Analyze, All, Simple, CI-checks, CE 1 1 Major 63 %
Useless Abstract Class Analyze, All, Simple 5 5 Minor 33 %
Useless Method All, Analyze 1 1 Minor 0 %
Throw Raw Exceptions All, Analyze, Suggestions 9 7 Minor 0 %
Uncaught Exceptions Analyze, All 11 7 Minor 84 %
Unthrown Exception Analyze, Dead code, ClearPHP, All, Simple 5 5 Minor 45 %
Callback Function Needs Return All, Analyze, CI-checks, CE 1 1 Major 42 %
Empty Function Analyze, All, Simple 1 1 Minor 74 %
Modified Typed Parameter All, Analyze, ClassReview 2 1 Minor 0 %
Never Called Parameter All, Analyze, Suggestions, Rector, Unused 1 1 Minor 92 %
Relay Function Analyze, All 3 3 Major 84 %
Unused Parameter Analyze, All, Simple, Unused 1 1 Major 90 %
Uses Default Values Analyze, All, Simple, CI-checks, IsPHP, IsStub, IsExt, CE 23 10 Minor 98 %
Wrong Number Of Arguments Analyze, OneFile, All, Simple, CI-checks, Stubs, IsPHP, IsStub, IsExt, CE 3 2 Major 81 %
Wrong Type Returned All, Analyze, ClassReview, CI-checks, LintButWontExec, CE 21 12 Minor 0 %
Forgotten Interface All, Analyze 6 6 Minor 48 %
Empty Interfaces Analyze, All, Simple 1 1 Minor 41 %
Useless Interfaces Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, ClassReview, Typechecks 7 7 Minor 59 %
Unresolved Use Analyze, ClearPHP, All, Simple, IsPHP, IsStub, IsExt 1 1 Major 69 %
array_key_exists() Works On Arrays All, CompatibilityPHP74, Analyze, CE 2 1 Minor 0 %
Assumptions All, Analyze 2 1 Minor 0 %
Use random_int() Analyze, Security, All, CompatibilityPHP71, Simple, Level 2, CI-checks, CE 1 1 Major 59 %
PHP Native Interfaces and Return Type All, Analyze, LintButWontExec, CompatibilityPHP81, Deprecated 12 11 Minor 0 %
PHP Native Class Type Compatibility All, Analyze, CompatibilityPHP81 16 11 Major 0 %
Check JSON All, Analyze, CI-checks, CE 4 4 Major 65 %
Infinite Recursion All, Analyze 1 1 Major 0 %
No Choice Analyze, All, Simple, Level 2, Top10, CI-checks, Rector, CE 1 1 Major 42 %
No Need For Triple Equal All, Analyze 2 2 Minor 0 %
Variable Is Not A Condition All, Analyze 2 1 Minor 93 %
Preprocessable Analyze, All, Rector 4 4 Minor 85 %
Unsupported Types With Operators All, Analyze, CompatibilityPHP80, CE 1 1 Minor 0 %
Avoid get_class() Analyze, All, Simple, CI-checks, CE 6 4 Minor 32 %
Use Same Types For Comparisons All, Analyze 3 1 Minor 0 %
Useless Instructions Analyze, OneFile, ClearPHP, All, Simple, Level 1, CI-checks, CE 1 1 Minor 63 %
Useless Null Coalesce All, Analyze, Typehints 1 1 Minor 0 %
Useless Parenthesis Analyze, All, Simple, CI-checks, CE 2 2 Minor 81 %
Missing Some Returntype All, Typehints, Analyze, CI-checks, CE 4 3 Minor 0 %