Compatibility PHP 8.0

: Nothing found for this analysis, proceed with caution; : some issues found, check this; : Can't test this, PHP version incompatible; : Can't test this, PHP configuration incompatible; .

Old Style Constructor
Wrong Optional Parameter
PHP 8.0 Removed Functions
PHP 8.0 Removed Constants
Concat And Addition
PHP 7.4 Removed Directives
Cast Unset Usage
$php_errormsg Usage
Mismatch Parameter Name
PHP 8.0 Removed Directives
Unsupported Types With Operators 1 warnings
Negative Start Index In Array
Nullable With Constant
PHP 8.0 Resources Turned Into Objects
PHP 80 Named Parameter Variadic
Final Private Methods 7 warnings
Array_Map() Passes By Value
Reserved Match Keyword
Avoid get_object_vars()
Enum Usage
Final Constant
Never Typehint Usage
PHP 8.1 Typehints
Mixed Keyword
Nested Attributes
New Initializers
Cant Overload Constants
String Int Comparison
PHP 8.1 Resources Turned Into Objects
Clone Constant
Named Argument And Variadic
Multiple Type Cases In Switch