Equip yourself with Exakat :
Open Source PHP Code Analyzis Engine
Open Content PHP Rules

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PHP at a glance!

Exakat provides a real time PHP code analyser from PHP 4 to PHP 7 that spot security risks or development errors associated to a PHP expertise library including +100 rules.

[newtitle type=”text” align=”center” size=”h1″ uppercase=”yes” bold=”yes” icon_size=”normal” show_bg=”yes” line=”yes” line_align=”center” color=”#666666″ bg_color=”#ffffff” line_color=”#e8e8e8″ extra_color=”#666666″ value=”MAIN BENEFITS”]
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Exakat is based on Open Source Architecture
highly customizable
Extensible Engine
Integrate in you environment

Ready to join our project ?

[services type=”icon” src=”icon-compass” show_bg=”yes” border=”no” effect=”none”]


Exakat provide more than 100 rules
Backed by more than 10 years of Experience
Static or Dynamic rules
Share your own rules

Tackle your PHP debt with the community

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You want to increase productivity :
We made Exakat packaged
We created advanced agent

Your PHP X Ray Tool