Use our Docker Image inside your pipeline
Adding a PHP QUALITY GATE in your CI allow you to speed-up production delivery. Get notified where it matters to you !
Exakat let you to add a PHP QUALITY GATE tuned to achieve the quality that counts for your in your workflow.
In addition to git, Exakat supports others SCM tools like : SVN, MERCURIAL.. or load code based on a local copy.
Based on a configuration file or local settings, Exakat can be easily tuned.
Directly in your Pull Request, Commit or a custom report, Exakat let you take action to solve the flaws raised.
Based on our Cloud offer, a Docker image or a self-hosted installation, Exakat execute easily analysis from all popular CI/CD providers.
// Here is an exakat stage for a .gitlab-ci.yml file.
stages:- lint- exakat- build- testexakat:stage: exakatimage: exakat/exakat:latestscript:- exakat project
project: angie-project
project_name: angie, the audit
project_reports:- Text
project_themes:- Security
ignore_dirs:- /assets- /vendor- /var- /web
rulesets:My_Rules:"Adding Zero": Structures/AddZero"Multiply By One": Structures/MultiplyByOne"Concat Empty String": Structures/ConcatEmpty
Exakat offers a smooth way to choose the rules you want to apply and the part of your project on which the checks have to be processed.
READ MORE ON OUR DOCAnalyse Pull Request, Branches or each Commit depending of your workflow and Branch Strategy. Exakat let you to be notify directly in your favorite CI/CD tool.