Exakat is present at the Darkmira tour 2017

Darkmira tour 2017

Join us at the Brazil Darkmira tour 2017, and listen to Damien Seguy, CTO of Exakat. Damien is a keynote speaker and will also present exakat and static analysis practice.

Darkmira Tour PHP 2017 is a 2 days of learning, discoveries and interaction, in Brasilia, Brazil. It is the second edition of the Darkmira tour, after a successful 2016 edition.

The event takes place saturday,May 27th , and sunday, May  28th, 2017, at the Universidade Catolica de Brasilia’.

More information on the site of Darkmira Tour. Get the latest news and speakers on @DarkmiraTour.

Tickets @ sympla website