Method fossilisation

Method fossilisation Fossilisation happens when things get harder to update. It is a process, more than a final state. In particular, it happens to methods when the signature is shared across multiple classes. With interfaces and inheritance, changing some of the elements of a method’s signature means refactoring the code in several other locations. The […]

Exakat 1.7.4 Review

Exakat 1.7.4 Review This week, Exakat 1.7.4 opened the bug hunt season. Many analysis bugs were tracked and removed from the code, leading to the cleanest version of Exakat yet. Identical files in a code repository are now omitted, but one, automatically. And it is possible to configure the target reports from the command line, […]

Exakat 1.6.3 review

Exakat 1.6.3 Review This is the Exakat 1.6.3 review for the 2019 new year! New analyzers focus on the upcoming speed boost for array_key_exists(), and the sometimes missing capturing subpatterns from preg_match(). The Ambassador report now includes a ‘new issues’ section, which displays only the most recently found issues in the code, since the last […]